The Context section of the Measure Editor is where you add additional Calendar Contexts or Event Context to a measure.
The “Context” section contains configuration relating to what context the measure’s values are summarized against. In this case, you will notice the “Production” calendar has already been added to this measure’s context. Being an hourly measure, the Engine will process it against the “Production” calendar’s definition for hourly time periods. In this case, the “Production” calendar’s hourly time periods are standard hours (e.g. 06:00 to 07:00), but you could have set the calendar up for hours to start at 15 minutes past the hour (e.g. 06:15 to 07:15).
You can also use this section to view a summary of the values contained in the measure.
By default, the Context section will show a Summary Chart of the summarized information relating to the measure. In this case, the chart is displaying the last 12 hours of the average Boiler Temperature in ˚C for each hour. The vertical cursor line represents the following states:
The measure is deployed and running. The cursor represents the last successful processing time. |
The measure is deployed and is running, but has been "Backfilled". The cursor will turn Green as soon as the Engine accepts the Backfill date. |
The measure is not running (i.e. it has been undeployed) |
The same information may be displayed in a Summary Grid format instead of the chart format, by selecting the grid/table icon in the Context section.
The following information is provided in the grid:
The start of the time period (in this case the start of the reporting hour). |
The end of the time period. |
The formatted summary value for this measure for the corresponding time period. |
The OPC Quality of the data used to produce the summary value (192 = Good, 0 = Bad). Not relevant for Manually Entered measures, but usually for measures Retrieved from Data Sources. |
The duration of the time period in milliseconds. |
Indicates whether this version of the value for the time period is used for reporting. |
The version of the value for this time period. |
Date and time when the value was actually retrieved / calculated / edited. |
Indicates if and who made changes to the measure value via the Flow Server. |
The third tab in the Context section of the Measure Editor is the "Properties" tab:
Notice that a default “Refresh Offset” of 60 seconds has been configured for this calendar context. This means that Flow will only attempt to get the current hour’s data from the Data Source 60 seconds after the hour is completed. More than one “Refresh Offset” can be configured if required.