Metrics in Flow generally represent “what you are measuring”. Examples include:
- Production volume
- Water consumption
- Energy consumption
- Cost of production
- Product Quality
- Environmental Compliance
Measures in Flow are reporting points-of-interest (or KPIs) which relate to these Metrics. They provide more context than their parent Metrics. Using “Production volume” as an example, typical Measures would be:
- Line 1 Volume Produced (hl)
- Line 1 Volume to Energy Ratio (hl/kW)
- Line 1 Volume Produced (hl)
- Line 1 Volume to Energy Ratio (hl/kW)
- Line 1 Volume Produced (hl)
- Line 1 Volume to Energy Ratio (hl/kW)
A Measure in Flow is identified by its Hierachical Name, Unit of Measure and Time Interval.