There are five "types" of Measures available in Flow:
From a data source |
By a person |
Rolled up from other Flow measures |
From other Flow measures |
From another Flow instance |
Use a Manually entered measure to set a calculation factor, or to collect values from a meter that is not hooked up to your historian.
Use a Retrieved measure to automatically collect data from an existing data source (e.g. Historian, SQL database, Excel, etc.)
Use an Aggregated measure to aggregate a measure from a smaller time period (i.e. Hour) to a bigger time period (i.e. shift, day, week, month, etc.). For example, if we have a measure that collects hourly production counts from a Tag Historian, we can then create another measure that sums the results of this hourly measure to create a value for the production day.
Use a Calculated measure to create a calculation from one or more other measures for the same time period. For example, if we have an hourly measure for production counts, and an hourly measure for electricity used, we can create an hourly calculated measure for the ratio of electricity used per unit of production.
Use a Replicated measure when you're configure a Tier 2 Flow Instance (e.g. your Headquarters Flow) and you want the values in the measure to be "pushed" to you from a plant's Flow Instance. The Data Engine does not process any data with respect to a replicated measure - the Flow Server handles the push request from the Tier 1 Flow Instance.