As you harness the power of Flow, your system will grow. If you have a large Flow system, it is recommended that you "load balance" your system to improve its performance.
To facilitate load balancing, Flow allows you to distribute (i.e. deploy) model metrics and events across multiple Data Engines. By default, there is one Flow engine running on a platform, and all model metrics and events are deployed to that single engine.
It is possible though, to add more engines to a single platform, or to add multiple platforms with one or more engines on these.
NOTE: You cannot add more than one Data Engine if you are running Flow with an evaluation license
To add another Data Engine, right-click on the Platform that you want to host the engine and select Add > New > Data Engine
You can rename any/all of your Data Engines. In the below image, the engines have been renamed to "Engineering" and "Production". You can also set another Data Engine as the Default Engine. This is a global system setting. If anyone creates/instantiates a metric or event in the Flow Config tool, the metric/event will, by default, be created to be run by the Default Engine.
To move metrics between engines (to load balance your system), in the Model View, right-click on a metric/event that you want to move and select Move > [Engine Name]