The following placeholders may be used when working with segments of type Measure Value and Measure Attribute Value.
Measure Value
Measure’s name |
Measure’s description |
Measure’s unit of measure |
Measures the value for most recent period (if value is null, then use 0.00). |
Measures the quality for most recent period. |
Measures the version for most recent period. |
Limit's name |
Limit's target |
Limit’s high setting |
Limit’s low setting |
If limit has been exceeded, then Flow will randomly select one of the text parameters (more text parameters can be used in a comma separated list). |
If limit has been achieved, then Flow will randomly select one of the text parameters. |
Period’s start date formatted as per parameter. |
Period’s end date formatted as per parameter. |
Period’s duration. |
Relative– Similar to above, but with an additional parameter that specifies a previous period index.
Measure Attribute Value
A “Measure Attribute Value” segment can be used when a measure is sliced by additional Event context. The following placeholders are available for a “Measure Attribute Value” segment type:
Measure’s name. |
Measure’s description. |
Measure’s unit of measure. |
Attribute’s name (e.g. Product). |
Attribute value’s name (e.g. Orange, Apple). |
Measures value for most recent period (if value is null, then use 0.00). |
Period’s duration relating to this attribute value. |
Measures quality for most recent period. |
Measures version for most recent period. |
Period’s start date formatted as per parameter. |
Period’s end date formatted as per parameter. |
Relative– similar to above, but with an additional parameter that specifies a previous period index.