Flow recommends a concept we like to call “Dashboard First” when building out your dashboard. This means that a blank dashboard will be created first, presenting you with a blank canvas to add multiple chart types. Chart elements can be added to the Dashboard by a right-click operation anywhere on the blank canvas.
This will provide you with a list of all the different Chart components that can be added on the canvas.
A Chart created in this fashion will be local to this dashboard only. It cannot be added to another dashboard. Notice that the different chart types are “Contained” by the Dashboard in the information Model:
These “Contained” charts will not be visible in the Index Menu of the Flow Server. This gives the user a cleaner menu structure, and only presents to them the menu items that are meaningful to what they need access to.
However, if you need to display the same Chart in different Dashboards, or if the Chart must be a specific item in the menu structure, the chart can be dragged out of its parent Dashboard and dropped into a Report Folder in the Information Model.
Once you've created your Dashboard, either by following the dashboard first approach or by dragging and dropping previously created charts and/or forms onto your dashboard, you are ready to view your Dashboard in your web browser.