Flow may be used to create composite dashboards comprising both charts and user-entry forms to visualize your measure and KPI data in numerous ways.
Keeping true to the “ease of use” and “drag-and-drop” philosophies of Flow, these components are easy to configure and allow the user to get visualization up and going in a matter of minutes.
A Flow Dashboard is a great way to pull multiple views of your information into a single place that can be monitored at a glance.
This includes data that has been sourced from multiple sources to product information within the Flow Information Platform, and even information/reports from other systems by embedding web page links in the dashboard.
Dashboards form part of the “Information Model” of Flow, in the Reporting Tab of the Flow configuration tool. The information model is a great way to distribute information to key decision makers (Operators, Line Supervisors, Mangers, Executive teams, etc.) in your organization spanning all the departments (Production, Maintenance, Safety, Engineering, etc.) of your industry.
Read more about how to create a dashboard.