As a best practice, Data Sources must be deployed to a Platform and will be enforced to do so from version 6.0.x onwards. You will notice that an error "Red Disk" indicator will be present on a Data Source that is not Deployed.
Measures and tags in the model view will have the same fault behaviour stating that the data source the measure requires to get raw data from is not deployed.
Form a best practise perspective, Data Sources must be deployed as close as possible to the sources of the raw data. This could be on a historian node, SQL data base node or OPCUA node.
This can be achieved by creating multiply platform representing each node that will act as a data source. Note that the bootstrap components would need to be installed on the remote platforms.
To allocate a Data Source to a Platform, simply drag your newly created data source form in the Integration Tab in the Flow Config tool onto your desired Platform in the Deployment view (On the left hand side of the Flow Config tool).
This will create a "Data Sources" section under the Platform. Notice that the Data Source will have a new "Grey Disk" indicator. this means that Data Source is allocated to a Platform, but it is not actually running and will not start to collect raw data for your tags and measures.
Deploy the Data Source by performing a "Right Click" operation and selected deploy from the context menu. This will start the Data Source and will be in a status to retrieve data.
No "Disk" indicators should be visible as this shows a proper active and running Data Source.