Metering Online is a Cloud hosted solution that stores energy-meter information in the cloud. The meter online connector uses web-services to connect and extract data for an energy meter’s data in the cloud.
To create a connection to Metering Online, Right-click on the Data Sources group, then click “Cloud”, and then select “Metering Online”.
To successfully retrieve data from Metering Online, the following properties need to be set.
Name to identify the data source. |
Username to use to connect to the endpoint. |
Security key to connect to the endpoint. |
Select to use SSL security to connect to the endpoint. |
Maximum concurrent count for connections, default 1000. |
Timeout setting to try and establish a connection to the Metering Online endpoint. Default is 10 seconds |
Timeout setting to try and send a successful request for data to the Metering Online endpoint. Default is 10 seconds |
Timeout setting to try and receive data after a successful send request. Default is 60 seconds |
The namespace that will be generated will only display a selection of two options, either to retrieve kWh or kvarh.
Note: it will not list all the meters available for your account. The particular meter serial number required to extract data for must be available to populate in the retrieval section of a measure.
When using the items in the namespace to generate a measure, the meter’s serial number as well as the type of values to be returned must be specified in the retrieval section of the measure.
Serial number of the meter as configured in the Metering Online solution. |
Either select reactive energy or kilo Watts hours to be returned. |