This article assumes that the steps in the article "Configuring the Flow Bootstrap Service" was followed, but in some scenarios, the Windows account used to start the Flow Bootstrap Service cannot be given access to the MSSQL server.
Some use cases would be if you are using a Cloud-hosted MSSQL server, a Docker MSSQL image, or a remotely deployed solution behind a DMZ.
In these use cases, we can configure the Flow Bootstrap Service to use SQL authentication instead.
The Flow Config Tool Systems Menu
By default, the Flow Bootstrap Service will try and use the service's logon credentials to try and access the Flow Database. One can change this from within the Flow Config tool.
Access the System Properties by navigating to the SYSTEM > Properties menu item.
Flow Bootstrap “Log On” Username and Password
Under Systems Properties, there will be "Username" and "Password" fields to populate with the relevant MSSQL credentials. By default, these properties are blank, which indicates that the Flow Bootstrap service's credentials are used to access the SQL database.
Populate these properties with the correct MSSQL credentials and deploy the Flow Platform from the deployment tab.
As a suggestion, first make sure that the credentials you enter here can access your Flow database by using SQL Management Studio/similar to connect to the SQL Server with the credentials, and then confirm that you can browse the Flow database with these credentials.
If the Platform was already deployed, an undeploy & deploy might need to be performed to make sure the deployment process uses the newly entered credentials.