5.3.5 Download | Build 5.3.5322.730
Released: October 8, 2020
Important: Please see upgrade instructions in 5.3.0 Release below.
What's fixed?
Version 5.3.5 is a patch release focused on performance optimization and bug-fixes. It includes the following highlights:
- A bug where a Measure's aggregation type always showed as "Sum", regardless of its actual aggregation type, has been resolved.
- All Active Directory users within an Active Directory group can be imported into a Flow security group in a single action. We hope this speeds up your workflow!
- The overall performance of the Config Tool has been optimized. Let us know if this helps your blood pressure!
- A bug where an error was received during the version migration of a large Flow system has been resolved.
Data Engine
- The processing of Calculated Measures that depend on themselves has been optimized.
- The engine will rerun quarantined Measures as soon as you have opened them in the Config Tool.
- When information on a form is still being processed (i.e. pending), the cell will show a small static disc, rather than a "spinner". The "spinner" was creating havoc with your browsers.
- Event forms can now be configured to allow or disallow event splitting, event editing and event deletion.
- Event forms can now include a readonly "Comment" column which will display the first or last comment entered against that specific Event Period.
- On a Time Based Chart, on a series, you can change the "Interpolation Type" of a line or area type. This allows you to create "curved", "straight", "step" or "jump" lines.
5.3.4 Download | Build
Released: August 20, 2020
Important: Please see upgrade instructions in 5.3.0 Release below.
What's fixed?
Version 5.3.4 is a patch release focused on performance optimization and bug-fixes. It includes the following highlights:
- Template editing and matching optimizations and bug-fixes.
- Monitor performance optimization.
- Activity diagnostics for detailed view of component status (e.g. Measure or Event processing diagnostics).
- Individual Measure and Event data purging which is useful during initial system configuration and testing.
Data Engine
- Measure "Quarantine" functionality for when they are infected by Covid-19. By quarantining unhealthy Measures, the Data Engine will ensure healthy Measures continue processing.
- Data Engine thread configuration added for Event processing.
Integration Engine
- Integration Engine optimization by reducing unnecessary queries
Dashboards, Charts, Tables and Forms
- Form data entry "cursor jumping around" bug resolved.
- Chart values smaller than 1e-15 bug resolved.
- Chart definition query optimization and indexing.
5.3.3 Download | Build
Released: July 10, 2020
Important: Please see upgrade instructions in 5.3.0 Release below.
What's fixed?
Version 5.3.3 is a bug-fix and performance optimization update which includes the following highlights:
Data Engine
- The processing of Events and Event Attributes has been optimized for performance, resulting in lower CPU and SQL Server usage.
Integration Engine
- Indexes improving the performance of the Integration Engines have been introduced.
Dashboards, Charts, Tables and Forms
- A bug relating to the Time Based Chart's data label display has been resolved.
- A number of small bugs relating to the manual splitting of Event Periods (i.e. downtime event splitting and reallocation) have been resolved.
5.3.2 Download | Build
Released: June 22, 2020
Important: Please see upgrade instructions in 5.3.0 Release below.
What's fixed?
Version 5.3.2 is a bug-fix update which includes approximately 24 bug fixes, optimization enhancements and small feature enhancements. The list is too long to replicate here, but these are some of the highlights:
Data Engine
- A number of performance optimizations have been achieved in the Data Engine. A new concept of measure "quarantining" has been introduced to reduce unnecessary load on the Engines and the Flow database.
- A weekly measure can now be aggregated (i.e. rolled up) into a monthly measure. Because weeks don't "fit" perfectly into months, Flow treats weeks that have ended in a given month as "belonging" to that month for roll up purposes.
Integration Engine
- A bug affecting the Integration Engine performance on initial scan has been resolved.
Dashboards, Charts, Tables and Forms
- The Time Based Comparison Table can now be exported to CSV.
- The Time Based Comparison Table now has "frozen" column and row headers.
- A bug on the Time Based Portrait Table where Limit color was not being displayed has now been resolved.
- Some small enhancements to the Event Based Forms (e.g. splitting of open-ended events) have been made.
Config Tool
- A bug where changing a measure's calendar context caused issues with that measure's Integration context has been resolved.
- One or two small bugs relating to the Templating System have been resolved.
5.3.1 Release | Build
Released: May 29, 2020
Important: Please see upgrade instructions in 5.3.0 Release below.
What's fixed?
Version 5.3.1 is a bug-fix update which includes approximately 45 bug fixes and small feature enhancements. The list is too long to replicate here, but these are some of the highlights:
Data Sources
- All SQL based data sources have been enhanced to optionally read datetime fields in 100 nanosecond resolution.
- A bug relating to the quality of a boolean tag in the Canary Historian data source has been resolved.
Data Consumers
- The SQL based data consumers have been enhanced to optionally write datetime fields in 100 nanosecond resolution.
Dashboards, Charts, Tables and Forms
- The Time Based Comparison Table can now be exported to CSV.
- The Time Based Comparison Table now has "frozen" column and row headers.
- A bug on the Time Based Portrait Table where Limit color was not being displayed has now been resolved.
- Some small enhancements to the Event Based Forms (e.g. splitting of open-ended events) have been made.
Tier 2 Flow Systems
- A bug where Limits on replicated Measures at the Tier 2 level were not being consistently evaluated has been resolved.
- A number of small bugs relating to the Templating System (both local and via Tier 2) have been resolved.
Secure Internal Communication
- A bug relating to communication between Flow components on secure Https has been resolved. This means all your on-premise, hybrid or cloud-based Flow architectures can be configured to use secure Https communication.
5.3.0 Release | Build
Released: May 4, 2020
What's new?
Version 5.3.0 is a functional update focused on a number of new features as described here in this article Flow 5.3.0 is here!
What's fixed?
- A number of small bugs have been fixed in the Flow Config tool
- A number of small bugs have been fixed in the Flow Server charts
Before installation:
- Make sure .Net 4.7.1 or higher is installed - download
- Make sure .Net Core 2.1 or 2.2 is installed - download
- Make sure KB2999226 for your specific OS is installed
- Restart your server
If this is a Flow upgrade:
- Undeploy all components using existing Flow Config
- Stop the Flow Bootstrap Service
- Make a note of the Administrative user that is used to run the Flow Bootstrap Service
- Perform a Database backup
- Run the Flow.msi installer you have downloaded
After Installation:
- Set the Flow Bootstrap Service logon details to an Administrative user
If this was a Flow upgrade:
- Open Flow Config, select your Flow instance, connect and then accept the migration process when prompted
- Deploy all components
If this was a new Flow installation:
1. Open Flow Config and create a new Flow Instance