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7.1.3 | December 15, 2024 | Build 7.1.3850.1160
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For more information on installing Flow in a Linux environment, read this article
Docker Images available on Docker Hub (x64 and Arm64)
What's New in 7.1.3?
Version 7.1.3 is a Patch release that includes a number of enhancements and bug fixes.
- Updated to latest code libraries for performance and security vulnerabilities.
- Added raw data query capability to the Excel Data Source.
- Added the ability to request transport compression to the Flow API.
- Added the ability to add an image to a Dashboard Navigation component.
- Added Topic and Payload properties to the Measure level for the MQTT Data Consumer.
- Added a new Data Source to access data from the new Timebase Historian.
- Added a "Show in Model" link to limit value configuration that is linked to another measure.
- Added ability to display limit ranges on time-based table.
- Added the ability to sort instantiated template metrics in chart sections.
- Added additional Data Engine logs to support troubleshooting when required.
Bug Fixes
- Refactored the way SQL-type Consumer queries are handled to prevent SQL injection and to resolve an issue with comments or attributes that contain single quotes. Note: There are known issues with the replacement of placeholders for EventAttributes, and the possibility that user queries contain parameters with names that conflict with the internally generated parameter names. If you experience either of these issues, please reach out to Flow Support for a hotfix module (this module will be officially released with the next Flow version).
- Fixed an issue where the Integration Engine was pushing the incorrect Measure Event Period values.
- Fixed an issue where Measure Attributes were not being set correctly during a Template update.
- Fixed an issue where Measure Limits were linked to incorrect Template during instantiation.
- Fixed an issue where the new Canary v24 Datasource did not handle custom expressions.
- Fixed an issue where the new Canary v24 Datasource would not reuse connections.
- Fixed an issue where the Aggregation property on measures reset to Average during migration of the Canary Data Source to the Canary v24 Data Source.
- Fixed an issue with the display of model attribute values in a time-based table.
- Fixed an issue with the creation of a new Flow Database on Azure SQL.
- Fixed an issue with the incorrect ordering of folders after template instantiation.
- Fixed an issue where the Dashboard index treeview stopped rendering in certain conditions.
- All legacy SQL views have been marked for deprecation.
- All real-time Data Sources (e.g. MQTT, OPC UA, etc.) have been marked for deprecation. We recommend customers start migrating their real-time Data Sources to the new Timebase Historian and the new Timebase Historian Data Source.
7.1.2 | September 5, 2024 | Build 7.1.2750.840
Download Windows x64 Installer
For more information on installing Flow in a Linux environment, read this article
Docker Images available on Docker Hub (x64 and Arm64)
What's New in 7.1.2?
Version 7.1.2 is a Patch release that includes a number of bug fixes.
- Beginning with version 7.1.0, .NET 8 is required.
- Ability to add epoch time placeholders to MQTT custom payloads.
- Ability to add measure description placeholders to MQTT custom payloads.
- Performance improvements when deploying and undeploying large models.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a number of issues with bulk template instantiation in the Config Tool.
- Fixed an issue where certain Widget configuration would cause gauges to not display.
- Fixed an issue with Event Attribute integration when the attribute value was null.
- Fixed an issue with the Canary (v23) Datasource where dataset and tag name prefix were the same, Flow would interpret the tag reference incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where the limits of Templated measures on charts were displaying incorrectly.
7.1.1 | August 22, 2024 | Build 7.1.1736.1080
Download Windows x64 Installer
For more information on installing Flow in a Linux environment, read this article
Docker Images available on Docker Hub (x64 and Arm64)
What's New in 7.1.1?
Version 7.1.1 is a Patch release that includes a number of bug fixes.
Technology Update:
- Beginning with version 7.1.0, .NET 8 is required.
- Ability to load a CSV file of template mappings to instantiate a large number of items.
- Included "Sample" Standard Deviation and "Sample" Variance aggregations.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with the incorrect calculation of "Population" Standard Deviation and "Population" Variance when there was only one point in the population.
- Fixed issue with measure event scheme processing not waiting for all timeslices to be available, which caused null values to be recorded.
- Fixed issue with the API failing when asking for multiple measures that had the same attributes configured.
- Fixed issue with boundary values being included incorrectly in Sum aggregation for Aveva Historian data source.
- Fixed issue with Web Service data source not handling Json payloads that make use of "ignore null values".
- Fixed issue with Web Service data source not converting to appropriate data types when retrieving data.
- Fixed issue in MQTT data consumer where model attribute placeholders were not being replaced correctly in the output topic structure.
7.1.0 | August 1, 2024 | Build 7.1.0715.760
Download Windows x64 Installer
For more information on installing Flow in a Linux environment, read this article
Docker Images available on Docker Hub (x64 and Arm64)
What's New in 7.1.0?
Version 7.1 is a Service Pack release that includes a number of features, performance enhancements and bug fixes.
Technology update
- 7.1.0 makes use of .NET 8
- Relative referencing in calculations provides the ability to dynamically add dependencies to calculated measures. This feature enhances the useability of templated calculations across systems that have different equipment configurations.
- The Flow REST API "charts" endpoint provides more information about chart usage and compliance.
- Chart bottom sheet now provides configurable links to external resources.
- Support has been included for the new Canary Historian v24 SDK
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue with Event Chart PDF export.
- Fixed issue with OPC HDA Datasource boundary value query.
- Fixed issue with Integration Engine pushing incorrect Measure Event Period values.
- Fixed issue with Shift Periods not obeying Daylight Saving change over.
- Fixed issue with label value offset on column-based time series charts.
- Fixed issue with bottom sheet display of wrong measure title for time-based portrait table.
Performance Improvements:
- Template instantiation, including instance updates, specifically regarding Model Attributes
- Ignition Datasource retrieval queries
Installation/Upgrade Instructions
Please follow these steps to install or upgrade your Flow System:
- Download the Flow installer
- Backup database, close Flow Config, stop the Flow Bootstrap service
- Install .NET 8, we recommend you install the Hosting Bundle
- Run the Flow installer
- Open Flow Config
If you previously installed the 7.1 Release Candidate, follow these final steps in Flow Config:
- Navigate to System > Modules
- Right click on the Module list and select Import
- Browse C:\ProgramData\Flow Software\Flow\Config\Packages and use Ctrl+A to select all modules within the folder. Click Open.
- The modules will automatically update, noted by the version number of each module.