On the far right of the menu bar, the build version of the Config tool is displayed (e.g.
This build number will need to be supplied to the Flow support team when any support tickets are logged to support@flow-software.com.
Build Version
The build version is made up of the following numbers:
- Major Release Number (e.g. 5)
- Minor Release Number (e.g. 2)
- Build day (e.g. 148th day since start of Major Release development)
- Build minute (e.g. 500th minute of the Build day)
The Release number is made up of the following:
- Major Release Number (e.g. 5)
- Minor Release Number (e.g. 2)
- Bug Fix Release Number (e.g. 2)
Note that a Release will always have a specific Build Version. Only the Major and Minor Release Numbers will be the same.