The following steps would assist in fault finding why the installation of Flow would fail to complete.
Please see the listed pre-requisites below before you start your Flow installation:
- Make sure .Net 4.8.x or higher is installed
- Make sure .Net Core 3.1.x or higher is installed (with ASP .NET. Hosting Bundle is recommended)
- Make sure KB2999226 is installed
- Restart your server
In some cases, .Net requires components delivered as part of the automatic updates of your Windows operating system. Please make sure that your OS is up to date with the necessary updates from Windows
Note: Flow only support a x64 bit architecture, so make sure you install the x64bit version of the .Net and KB components. Please also note that Windows 7 Operating Systems are not officially supported any more. Please see our hardware and Software requirements in the requirements section below.
To make sure that your .Net components are installed correctly, Open “Command Prompt” by hitting the Windows button on your keyboard and typing “cmd”. Run “Command Prompt”. Check your specific .Net components by executing the command “dotnet --info”
It will list the .Net components installed on your OS:
In some cases, you might be presented with an error message trying to execute the dotnet command:
'dotnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Confirm your installation location of dotnet matches your entry in your Environmental Variables PATH property.
For some Windows 11 instances as well as VMs running on ARM Processors (MAC M1 and above) the user and system environment variables are either missing or pointing to the wrong location for where dotnet is installed. Adding C:\Program Files\dotnet\;
or in the case of an ARM processor C:\Program Files\dotnet\ARM\64x;
to your system environment variables and user environment variables should resolve the problem.
After all the pre-requisites are met, the installation can be completed. Note after the installation was successful or if it failed, additional information can be obtained by selecting the “View Log” option in the Installer splash screen:
A complete log of the entire installation Procedure will be listed to determine any other components required that could potentially halt the installation procedure:
Note: Notice in the log that actions will return a value of “1” if a specific component was found and the installation will thus continue. A return value of “3” normally shows a component that could not have been found by the installer.
This log export can be send to the Flow support desk to assist in troubleshooting the installation process.