It is possible to link a model or template entity to a template. To do so, a Shift + Drag operation needs to be performed. Select the template that needs to be linked to, hold down the Shift key and then drag the template entity and drop it onto a corresponding entity (the one that needs to be linked to the template).
Before dropping the template entity, the mouse cursor should change to a “link” symbol, indicating that it is possible to link the entity being hovered over with the template entity being dragged.
The following conditions must be met before linking is permitted:
- The two entities must be of a corresponding type, i.e. one can only link a template metric folder to a model metric folder or another template metric folder, OR a template metric to a model metric or another template metric, OR a template measure to a model measure or another template measure.
- The entity being dropped onto cannot have an existing link. In other words, it cannot be an instantiated entity, nor a template entity that is already derived from another template.
- In the case of linking template measures, the following must also apply:
- The two measures must be of the same interval type
- If the template measure’s retrieval type is unlocked, then the measure that is being linked to can be of any retrieval type
- If the template measure’s retrieval type is locked, and the measure that is being linked to this template measure has a different retrieval type, a message will be displayed warning the user that they are about to link to a different retrieval type. If the user confirms, the linking will proceed
After this Shift+Drag+Drop linking operation, the newly linked template entity’s icon will turn green (indicating that it is now instantiated/derived) and the update indicator will be visible.
To complete the linking process, update the linked template entity, because this will synchronize the entity with its template and instantiate/derive any child entities that may exist in the template.
If there are pre-existing child entities that can be matched to the template, then the system will automatically link there to the matching template entities. If matches cannot be found for child entities, then new ones will be instantiated / derived.